Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Trends in HR Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Trends in HR - Essay Example Though you have tried to support the need for HRM across border teams, I still feel that the points are insufficient. In arriving at the conclusive answer on the need for the HRM in cross border organizations, I expected you to give a lot of points and draw global examples. However, you have supported your points with the academic sources in order to bring relevancy. This is something great. Your introduction is superb. I love the fact that you have commenced your outline by clearly underlining the need for the HRM for both the large and small businesses supported with an academic sources. However, you have not been fair to the paper by just mentioning that there are many papers, books, and articles that have discussed the subject of the HRM without giving any one particular example to support your argument. The discussion of the HRM trends is something that has been exclusively touched in your outline and it actually adds more weight to your paper. Another thing that makes the paper didactic is the fact that you have drawn your recommendations on the need for the SHRM being a member of the C-Suite. However, in doing so, avoid using the word ‘must’ as this are only recommendations. I also request that you have the use of the first person in your final individual

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