Thursday, December 26, 2019

Personal Statement For Drive Wild - 939 Words

Author Statement for Drive Wild I created â€Å"Drive Wild† to advertise the 2016 Ford Focus Electric. I took into consideration lighting, media type, audience, color, imagery, composition, and text in an attempt to promote potential consumers to buy the vehicle. I also kept in mind the common theme of the environment that most electric vehicle advertisements use to persuade the consumers while creating my advertisement. I created â€Å"Drive Wild† with the use of Photoshop. I knew the program would help me achieve my desired look because of the variety of functions it offers over Microsoft Word. I used Photoshop’s capabilities of photo manipulation to integrate multiple images to create my own single image in an attempt to persuade viewers to invest in a Ford Focus Electric. Making the single images seem like they belonged together within the composition proved to be challenging. However, it was necessary in order to get the look I desired. One of the toughest part about getting the look I desired, besides making it look like one image, was the lighting. I knew without proper lighting to integrate the single images into a unified whole the advertisement would look fake and cheap. I wanted to avoid the advertisement looking like this because of the low quality advertisements suggest a low quality product. Cheap looking advertisements reduce the Ethos, which I wanted to avoid. Advertisements are based on the visual aspects and without visual interest the ad is less persuasive to theShow MoreRelatedEssay On The Journey To The Brothers Sara Tolsgaard904 Words   |  4 Pagesï » ¿ Essay on The Journey to the Brothers’ Farm A short story written by Pippa Gough To find your personal fortune and real values in life you have to search. Many people have an idea that the outer values is the right and perfect values to all people. 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