Sunday, January 19, 2020

Philosophy of Education Essay -- Philosophy of Teaching Statement

Philosophy of Education Ever since I was a little girl I had this dream of being a teacher. Whether it was making up â€Å"pretend† tests or having my younger brother sit through my instruction, I knew that I was a born teacher. And now that I have grown and matured into a responsible young woman, I feel that my place in this world is in the classroom. I feel that the children are our future and we should teach them everything we know to the best of our abilities. Every summer since the age of 13, I have been babysitting for local families in my small hometown of Pineville. In fact, 2 years ago I had been babysitting for a Optometrist and his wife and they were expecting their second child. As an honor, they asked if they could name their second daughter after me. Kara Nicole was born in June of 2001. As a matter of fact, I have found that my feelings on education often reflect the song The Greatest Love of All by Whitney Houston. She states in her song that she feels that the c hildren are our future and I must say that I agree completely with her sentiments on the education of our youth. When I came of age to enter college, there was no question in my mind as to what field I wanted to enter. Elementary education was the only option for me. One of my favorite quotes, although I do not know the author, says that â€Å"To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world† and I must say that this reflects my philosophy on education. To me, this quote reveals every compassionate thought I have on education alone. Teachers in some small way or another can be the sunshine in a child’s life. In my opinion, teachers, play many roles; mentors, confidants, sources of inspiration, and disciplin... ...Concord College. I wish to enter a masters program at some other institution of higher education. However, at this time, I am unsure where that institution may be. I know for sure, that I do plan on doing something with the Special Education department. Along with these added classes, I will always be open for Summer classes or workshops that teachers often attend to keep themselves updated on current trends. In my role as an educator, I feel that I should welcome each and every form of change that occurs during my time. Whether I agree with it or not, the point is that one must give it a chance. I feel that our state and local governments, as well as national governments, will continue to do the best for our educational system as possible. Reform, to me, is just a transition from old to new. You should welcome the change no matter how difficult it may be.

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